I have made this site to be of interest,I hope, to bird lovers
around the world. I have observed and fed birds in my garden all my life,so I would like to share with you my interest
which I hope will be informative and entertaining.
NEWS: 16/11/2004.
Hello visitors. I have recently bought a digital camera and have
been photographing the birds at my property.I will be uploading new photos, mainly of King Parrots, Sulphur-crested Cockatoos,
Currawongs and Magpies, over the next few weeks.
My survey will be informal and based mainly on my own experiences
rather than on detailed technical information which is already available in some excellent texts.If I whet your appetite for
Australian birds you may like to check my bibliography for books I can recommend.
The area I live is in the foothills of the Great Dividing Range in southern Victoria about 60 kms east of Melbourne. The
map below pinpoints my position.

The small white dot is my location. The variety of bird-life here is amazing.I get the ever present Australian
Magpie and Currawong and tiny finches and Wrens and of course parrots and cockatoos.The Eastern yellow Robin is a frequent
visitor and because my home backs onto the rainforest of the mountains, even the Superb Lyrebird in winter sometimes. I
have alloted a page for each bird and though I think my selection is representative, it is by no means exhaustive and I will
be adding more birds from time to time.
I hope this site will be as enjoyable for you as it is for me putting it together,
Regards, Derek .